News and Events

Climate Service Center 2.0 takes over CSP newsletter
The Climate Service Center 2.0 is delighted to announce its taking over of the international ... more

The Earth League calls for 7 postdocs to embark on a new generation of integrated Earth system science towards global sustainability
The Earth League, an international alliance of leading scientists and world-class research ... more
Untersuchung regionaler Klimaveränderungen in Deutschland - Start des BMBF-Projekts ReKliEs-De
Am 4. Dezember 2014 fand in Hamburg das Auftakttreffen der Projektpartner im neuen ... more

Climate change: the necessary, the possible and the desirable
[b]In time with this year’s UNFCCC meeting in Lima, a group of leading scientists, under the ... more

Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German “Energiewende” – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations?
The option of adapting to climate change is becoming more important in climate change policy. ... more

IPCC "made easy"
The Climate Service Center compiled a document which guides readers through selected documents from ... more

Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain & Coastal Areas
As the impacts of climate change become more immediate, adaptation to these changes is becoming a ... more

Considering scale and scaling for vulnerability and adaptation studies in the water sector – Case studies in four geographies
Climate change is impacting the hydrologic cycle globally. Understanding how these changes may ... more

Assessing governance performance
The challenge of managing risks resulting from natural hazards has increased in the last few ... more

Prioritisation Method for Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Water Sector
Climate change brings new management challenges to the environment and to the economic sectors. The ... more

Climate Scientist Daniela Jacob Becomes New Head of The Climate Service Center 2.0
The meteorologist isn’t entering new territory: Daniela Jacob has been leading the “Climate ... more

Adapting to Climate Change: Methods and Tools for Climate Risk Management
Anthropogenic climate change, and the risks that a changing climate presents, is now widely ... more

Mapping of Climate Service Providers - Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Results: A German Case Study
The aim of this document is to provide a guidance to support the climate service mapping activities ... more

Decision Support Tools as Instruments to facilitate Climate Change Adaptation - The case of the BalticClimate Toolkit for adaptation in the German Baltic Sea region
Planning and implementing measures for adaptation to climate change poses challenges to decision ... more

Rechtlicher Rahmen der Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels in Österreich und der Schweiz
Neue GERICS-Publikation erschienen more