GERICS is part of national and international networks of institutions working in the field of climate change. Examples of such networks are the partner network of the EU project IMPACT2C or the national webportal „Klimanavigator.de“.
LANDSURF Decision Support System (DSS)
The Decision Support System (DSS) is a freely accessible web-based tool that delivers relevant climate change information, with a focus on the agricultural sector, to West African stakeholders for climate change adaptation (https://landsurf.geo.uni-halle.de). It allows the users to analyse critical climate and land use indicators that not only support risk management in the agricultural sector but can also be used by stakeholders in other sectors who need information on extreme precipitation and temperature events. Specific climate indicators are presented through spatial maps and spatially averaged trends to support stakeholders and smallholder farmers in their decision-making processes. The indicators provided by the portal are derived from CMIP5 global climate projections, CORDEX-CORE Africa regional climate projections for two different emission scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5), and from observational datasets. The DSS portal and the content were developed and co-designed in an interactive process with stakeholders from the region in the WASCAL WRAP 2.0 LANDSURF project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
LANDSURF Decision Support System (DSS)
Netto-Null-2050 Web-Atlas
In the Net-Zero-2050 project strategies and new ways to reduce CO2 emissions are examined and evaluated. The focus here is on the German framework. The web atlas shows project results that are important for CO2 neutral Germany up to 2050. Net-Zero-2050 is intended to promote the public and political debate on CO2 neutrality on various levels.
Netto-Null-2050 Web-Atlas
IMPACT2C Web-Atlas
The web atlas of the completed EU project IMPACT2C (Quantifying projected impacts under 2C warming) supports both the core tasks of GERICS and the economic, environmental and climate policy of the EU in international negotiations (e.g. COP21). IMPACT2C was a four-year multidisciplinary and pan-European EU research project (with 29 partner institutions, coordinated by GERICS) that investigated the potential impacts of 2°C global warming in Europe and three particularly vulnerable regions (Bangladesh, Maldives, Niger) in terms of vulnerabilities, risks and economic costs.
IMPACT2C Web-Atlas
The web portal Klimanavigator brings together actors from the research landscape in the field of climate research and provides guidance. The portal is sustained currently by more than 50 partner institutions from climate research in Germany – across all institutional and professional borders.
In category "Klimawissen" a link leads to “Dokumentenserver Klimawandel” (see below).
Homepage Klimanavigator (in German only)
Document Server Climate Change (Dokumentenserver Klimawandel)
In order to sustainably harness the knowledge gained from German research projects on climate change, a knowledge archive “Dokumentenserver Klimawandel” has been established. Material produced by the KLIMZUG projects served for the creation of the archive as a pilot project. The acronym KLIMZUG stands for “Climate Change within Regions”. The server is conceptualized by GERICS and Hamburg University Press.
Dokumentenserver Klimawandel (in German only)