Report 18
Prioritisation Method for Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Water Sector

Climate change brings new management challenges to the environment and to the economic sectors. The management of water in the face of climate change, as an intersection between the whole economy and the environment, is an example that demands for research input. The proposed prioritisation methodology seeks to evaluate adaptation measures separately, but also compare them as a group. Therefore, it includes a multicriteria comparison which considers not only the cost and benefits as criteria but also analyses the results through economic, environmental and social factors weighted separately. In doing so, it should be possible to select the one with the best performance to face future climate change challenges, independently of each measure’s goals. In this document, the methodology and the concepts involved are comprehensively explained. Prior to this, a theoretical focus is presented to link the concepts of climate change, water, adaptation and economics.
Report 18 - M. Máñez, A. Cerdà (2014): Prioritisation Method for Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Water Sector (4,0 MB)