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Starkregen und Hitze - neue Details zum Klimawandel

Faktenblätter zu möglichen Klimaänderungen auf Landkreisebene

Klimaausblicke für Landkreise


Report 17

Adapting to Climate Change: Methods and Tools for Climate Risk Management

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Climate-Focus-Paper "Cities and Climate Change"

Das Climate-Focus-Paper Cities and Climate Change wurde entwickelt, um die Notwendigkeit für Städtes zu zeigen, Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren und Anpassungsmaßnahmen an die bestehenden und potenziellen Folgen des Klimawandels zu ergreifen.

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Baukästen / Toolkits

GERICS Regionaler Modellierbaukasten

Der Regionale Modellierbaukasten soll die Simulation und Verknüpfung aller für die Region wesentlichen Komponenten, menschliche Einflüsse einbeziehen, wie z.B. Städte, Boden, Wälder, ganze Ökosysteme oder Landnutzung.

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Climate-Focus-Paper "Global Sea Level Rise"

The Climate-Focus-Paper Global Sea Level Rise has been developed to raise awareness of how wide ranging the impacts from SLR are, and to assist decision makers in incorporating future projections of SLR into climate feasibility studies.

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Karten und Visualisierungen / Maps and Visualisations

GERICS Climate Signal Maps global

Die globalen Klimasignalkarten zeigen die räumliche Darstellung der robusten globalen Klimaänderungen.

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Publikationen / Publications

IMPACT2C – Project Final Report

A comprehensive assessment of the impacts and costs of a temperature increase of +2°C (or +1.5°C) on different sectors such as water, energy, agriculture, infrastructure and health has been undertaken

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Publikationen / Publications

IMPACT2C Policy Brief 1

Policy Update on 2°C Warming – Analysis of early IMPACT 2C climate modelling results

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Publikationen / Publications

IMPACT2C Policy Brief 3

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Publikationen / Publications

IMPACT2C Policy Brief 2

Effects of 2°C Warming – IMPACT2C modelling results: climate change and sea-level rise from a 2°C climate

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Report 20

Assessing governance performance

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Report 13

Statistische Verfahren zur Auswertung von Klimadaten aus Modell und Beobachtung

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Report 27

Synthesis of existing regional and sectoral economic modelling and its possible integration with regional earth system models in the context of climate modelling

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Klimaausblicke für Landkreise

Klimaausblicke für Landkreise

Andere / Other


IMPACT2C identified and quantified the impacts and most appropriate response strategies of a 2°C global warming for Europe and three selected vulnerable regions in other parts of the world. A resulting web-atlas summarises in maps and texts the impact of global 2°C warming on different sectorial stories.


Andere / Other

Projekt IMPREX

The project IMPREX is designed to improve the forecasting capability of hydrological extremes and their impacts at synoptic to seasonal time scales, and utilize this capability to generate realistic and relevant information on extreme hydrological impacts at seasonal to climate time scales to business and society.

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Report 18

Prioritisation Method for Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in the Water Sector

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